For months I've been looking for a thread or yarn for a very special project that needs to be done by the end of April. I wanted it to be lace weight yarn or size 10 crochet thread. I hoped for it to contain no wool or synthetics. It could be a blend and needed to be soft or silky.
I finally found it Friday. A 100% hand painted silk lace weight yarn. It is so close in size and feel to the size 10 bamboo that I believe they would be compatible in a single project.
I found it at The Websters in Ashland. It was spendy at nearly $50 for 1100 yards but I believe it will be worth it.
I made the bookmark shown in the picture with a stitch that reflects the open lattice look I am aiming for for the shawl I intend to make though I think I'll be using a stitch and pattern with more going on than than these chains attached with single crochet stitches. I have another three weeks or so to settle on the stitch and pattern. In fact I won't allow myself to start the project before the row work is done on the baby afghan and that will be at least another 10-14 days.
I am really hoping that I'll have enough left over at the end to make a dozen or so bookmarks out of this. It has such a lovely feel.
Well. Back to work on the bamboo baby afghan now. I've fallen behind another two days because of the trip to Ashland yesterday followed by hours of playing with the new thread and with the set of crochet stitch cards. Though I can put some of the blame on this nasty bug I'm still fighting after two weeks.