Snow and Ice
There was supposed to be a mostly rain storm today but late last night the weather crews all switched to "plenty of snow and then changing to freezing rain". Fun. The ride into work was fine, and I left around noon to come home. It took 2 hours to get 30 miles but it could have been far worse. There is no place to keep putting all this snow! I even cleared off the back deck because I was starting to worry about how much weight was on it. And know what else? More snow for Friday! Now if the Patriots had won last Sunday I maybe would have taken Friday off and started AFC title game celebration super early. Not happening.
As of right now I am looking for new positions for trades. I am still long $NFLX and $EW as my stops were not hit to the downside and I have moved them up a bit more after some more upside to both stocks. As of today I am at:
NFLX = +8.8%
EW = +7%
Getting close to my 10% targets for each. We shall see.
I am reviewing $ICON for a possible buy based on a screen.
Other items:
-Meredith Whitney is getting slammed for her call on Muni debt. Muni funds have been getting killed and it is hard to know if it was her call or just structural weakness. Either way what struck me as funny is the idea that the all knowing market could be messed with by some words from one analyst. Pretend is a huge part of our financial system after all.
-$AAPL had another monster quarter. The Steve Jobs news had a more pronounced effect in other markets, but not the US. You all know I am no fan of $AAPL but if and when Jobs is gone I don't see how that effects the company all that much. Of course momentum plays tend to react to all kinds of things in any case.
-Oil over $100, gas over $4, and rapidly rising food prices are all signs of a bullish recovery, yes?
-Riots and general unrest all over the world, must not be Jersey Shore watchers!
-Sounds scary:
Thirty-four millennia ago, some bacteria got trapped inside salt crystals in what is now Death Valley. These crystals were recently dug up and the bacteria freed from their hibernation...and then they started reproducing
-Illegal Immigration funny:
see more Very Demotivational
Have a good night.